Horse-Events Virtual
We have partnered with Horse-Events in their release of Horse-Events Virtual. During these difficult times its about staying positive and supporting each other. Therefore Horse-Events released new competitions for anyone to enter no matter location or level.
The competitions include:
Dressage Test - Open to all Riders
Tests Walk & Trot
Prelim12 (2015) revised 2016.
Novice24 (2010) revised 2016
BE 90 97 (2016)
BE 100 test 108 (2016)
Team Challenges to complete ~
•Complete the Prelim 7 (2002) revised 2016 without stirrups
•Dismantle a bridle and put it back together as quick as you can
•Send us the Best view between your horses’ ears
•Skinny challenge – how skinny can you jump.
•Open & shut a gate as quick as you can
•Best vault on from the floor. (Side Vaults ONLY)
(Prizes supplied by sponsors)
Rosettes to 6th Place for each team member:
•Most Creative Video
•Best Pony Club Team – team members to be in the same PC
•Best School Team – All members must attend the same school
•Best Riding Club Team – All Team members to be in the same Riding Club.
•Best Yard Video – Riders to be at the same yard.
•Best Video for all team members at different locations
1. Pick a team of 3 or 4 riders, one rider to complete each of the 6 challenges.
2. This can either be together or apart as long as the video is combined that’s all we need.
3. Ask someone to video & send your video link in to be Judged
4. Results & Prizes will be sent & published online
Entries close 5th April and winners will be announced on the 8th